Hey in case you hadn’t noticed it’s about to be the year 2020. That sounds so futuristic doesn’t it? Honestly, it seems like we should be living more like the Jetson’s by now. Like a vacation home on Mars should be a thing, right? Ok, maybe that’s a little far-fetched, but in a lot of aspects we are living like the Jetson’s, aren’t we? Most people can talk to their robot “Alexa” and she will turn on the lights, pre heat the oven, set a timer, do your shopping. It’s incredible how far technology has come, even in just the last 20 years.  

In the world of dentistry things have come a long way too. In fact, just this last year our office was able to incorporate 3D imaging into our practice. Almost all of our new patients get to experience this awesome technology. This type of imaging is essential, especially for our patients who are interested in dental implant options. This technology allows Dr. Labrum to map out your facial structures and obtain very intricate measurements of these areas. Measurements that are important when deciding where to place an implant and how many. Cone beam imaging (also called 3D imaging) is especially useful in deciding if you would be a good candidate for in office implant placement, which could save you time and money.  

We have also incorporated new Mouthwatch intraoral cameras into each of our operatories. Dr. Labrum uses them often during exams, to help patients get a better idea of what he is looking at in their mouth. For many, this helps them to understand the severity of their recommended treatment, so they can make a more educated decision on how they might like to proceed with scheduling. Intraoral imaging is also useful in helping your insurance to understand why they should pay for your treatment. It’s a great tool we use when insurance tries to give our patients the run a around.  We do our very best to ensure that each and every patient we see has a full understanding of their dental care, so we are very excited to share our new educational tools with you. 


With all that being said we also wanted to do a short recap of some major events in our lives, for those who may have missed a few things. So, in no particular order here is our year in review. 

  • Brittany and her husband Nick welcomed a baby girl in late October, who is named Kelley Lynn. 
  • Gina has had a lot going on! Her son Dylan graduated from dental school and got married, and her husband Ken was ranked 8th in the WORLD over the summer in the CrossFit Games!  
  • We added a new assistant to our team, and we think she is amazing! Her name is Cheyenne. 
  • Erika’s daughter Nikki recently graduated from nursing school and landed her dream job! 
  • Kristina got a dog and quickly became the animal lover we all knew she could be; his name is Oliver and he is a 49ers fan. You should see him in his jersey. 
  • Katie’s son Brenden joined the Marines and is now stationed overseas. We are all incredibly proud of him.  
  • Dr. Labrum won a legitimate beard contest and was apparently voted best of the “Business Class.”  
  • We also got to host a meet and greet with Santa and we met our new friend Krystle the elf on the shelf.  

2019 has been a great year for us, and we hope 2020 will only bring more fun! Thank you to all of our patients for allowing us to be part of your family, we look forward to seeing you all in 2020! Happy New Year!


Digital Dentistry: Why Digital Imaging is Saving Your Smile

Digital Dentistry: Why Digital Imaging is Saving Your Smile


If you’re currently over the age of thirty chances are you recall a time before cell phones, when pagers were cool, and the internet was still somewhat of an unknown phenomenon. It’s an incredible transformation between the world we grew up in and the world we live in now. Screen time is now something that needs to be discussed at all pediatric appointments and if you got a new pair of glasses recently, you probably added the blue light protection to avoid the tired eyes that come with constantly trying to filter the light emitting from your phone or laptop. Technology is a double-edged sword. It’s unavoidable and its always changing. But, it’s allowed us to make so much progress, especially in the medical and dental field. Were all about teeth so let’s talk about how dentistry and technology mix.

Do you remember when you used to have x-rays at the dentist? They’d shove that little paper square in your mouth that seemed to have razor blades for corners. Then you would have to wait a good twenty minutes to find out if your pictures turned out, or if you would have to do any retakes. No wonder no one wanted to have x-rays! Not to mention the amount of radiation associated with taking eighteen x-rays to make sure no stone was left unturned during your exam. Thankfully its ALL a thing of the past.

Let’s just think about that as a bad dream, as we wake to the reality of digital imaging and instant exposure. If you haven’t been to the dentist in the last few years (or if your current dentist is old school) you might find this quite unbelievable but, gone are the days of razorblade x-ray film. Now when you sit in the dental chair you will see your pictures pop up on the screen before the technician even gets back in the room. That’s right you will see them ON THE SCREEN!! Our office is a huge proponent of using digital tools. When you make an appointment, you will have only digital imaging and the censor we use in lieu of the old paper films are much more comfortable. The smooth and rounded corners will save you all the discomfort of the old days.

Many of you who may be a little more conscious of the amount of radiation exposure you receive are probably thinking about how much radiation might be needed to expose digital radiographs. The answer is simple…not a lot. We can feel you rolling your eyes, just hear us out. For reference, Radiation is something we are in contact with every day. According to Radiationanswers.org “Radiation can be found in soils, in our air…water, and in us”. The amount of radiation that our patients encounter is significantly less than what it used to be and just for perspective, is closest to the amount of radiation exposure you would get on a flight from LAX to JFK. Except on your last vacation you probably didn’t wear your lead apron. Or maybe you did, and we support that too.

We believe it is important for our patients to be educated and we always aim to make their care a priority. Typically, we only do x-rays one time a year and we eliminated the full 18 film series typically referred to as a “full mouth series”. The reason for this is because we use another digital imaging technology called a “Cone Beam CT”. This image eliminates the full mouth series because it shows us all the teeth and roots as well as some of the soft tissues in the surrounding areas. With this technology we’re able to check for infections and abnormalities in the soft tissue. Our digital images also prevent a patient from having unnecessary treatment. Dr. Labrum likes to be more conservative when diagnosing fillings and because of the incredible quality of our images he’s able to determine with more certainty the extent of the decay or demineralization that is present. We know as long as decay has not passed through the enamel layer there is a good chance, we can re-mineralize these areas with fluoride. We update x-rays once a year to make sure that there have been no changes to these small soft spots in the enamel. Our patients are the top priority and digital imaging allows us to provide them the best care possible.

Radiation dosage chart

Thankful Giveaway

Thankful Giveaway


We are thankful for YOU! We have the best patients, and the best community, here in Selah. So, to show our appreciation, we’re doing another contest. ALL MONTH LONG in the month of November. Find our post on Facebook and comment with a GIF to let us know what your thankful for. Then share the post with your friends! We didn’t forget you IG fanatics. If you are an Instagram User you can find us @selahfamilydentistry. Then post a picture of what your’e thankful for and tag us! You will be entered to win a holiday basket of goodies and gift cards!


5 Things You Do Not Want to Miss This Month.

5 Things You Do Not Want to Miss This Month.


We are so excited about the holidays coming up and hopefully you are too! During the Fall and Winter months, we have so much going on; You may not realize it, but this is actually the busiest time of year in our office. The end of year rush, as we lovingly call it, starts right around October. We want to make sure that we keep you in the loop about what we have going on so you can keep up with all the crazy fun stuff we’re doing!

Starting this week, on October 16th we are going to be doing an online Pumpkin Carving contest! Make sure you follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more information about that. We will also be doing a contest to win a $25 Amazon gift card. If you get a post card in the mail from us make sure you read the fine print! All you have to do is take a picture of yourself or someone you know with that postcard and make sure to use our hashtag, #selahfamilydentistry when you post the picture on your social media. In some cases, you may need to change the privacy settings for the post so we can see it. If you need help doing this just ask the first teenager you see. Trust us, they’ll know how to do it. The contest winner will be announced on January 1st.


We also have a couple staff birthdays coming up in October and Brittany is due to have her baby on November 1st. Some of us are betting it could be up to a week sooner than that! Feel free to contact the office if you wish to place a bet on a certain date, we like to bet coffee and donuts so be prepared for that.

Dr.Labrum is also feverishly working on his Halloween costume for the 12th Annual Selah Business Trick or Treat. Our office will be closed all day on Halloween. However, Dr.Labrum will be at the office during the event to hand out full sized candy bars and toothbrushes to all of the little’s who profess to brush and floss twice a day. We’re just kidding, they don’t have to lie, and in-case you’re wondering, the answer is NO the candy will not be sugar free. Our motto is go big or go home so make sure you stop by our office with lots of room in your trick or treat bag.

Last but not least, we are offering a special for the rest of October that will get you $100 off custom whitening trays. This includes two tubes of whitening gel, that for most would last a few months. All you have to do, is call and ask for the whitening special you saw online! While your at it, if you need an appointment get it scheduled.

In-case you hadn’t noticed the end of the year is almost upon us. In fact, its only 2 months away. Our schedule will fill up fast so please don’t wait until the last minute to try to use-up your remaining benefits. We will do our very best to make sure you get an appointment before the end of the year, but if you wait until the last minute, it’s much harder to get you the time and day you prefer. We hope to see you in the office soon even if just to say Trick or Treat! Until then stay spooky Selah fam!

Pumpkins on steps of a porch

Dental Insurance: Which One Is Right For You?

Dental Insurance: Which One Is Right For You?


The number one question we are getting from patients right now is “What insurance am I supposed to choose?”. Realistically, you can choose any one you want but its hard to know whats going to be the best one for you. The reason we get asked this so often is because we make it a point to educate our patients on their dental benefits. Our patients know that we can help them pick the best plan for them. There are so many different kinds of coverage to choose from and one might be more beneficial for your needs than another.

Right now in Washington, it’s open enrollment season for teachers. Yes, ALL teachers in Washington state will be getting new dental insurance. Previously, all school districts had different insurance plans depending on what they were offered. But now, all teachers will be offered three options for dental coverage and the one they choose will greatly effect their dental future. Have no fear Selah Family Dentistry is here! -Cue the dramatic entrance music- We’ve already done all the hard work for you. We know what plans you will be offered and we are more than happy to educate you on what the outcome will be, depending on which insurance you choose. Our goal is to take care of our patients and one way we do that is by going the extra mile to make things a little easier for them.

We’re focusing on teachers right now because they have some big changes coming up in their future, but really we are here to help with ANY insurance change or question you might have. Maybe your job is looking into new dental plans and you want to know how that will effect you. We can help with that. If you are planning to retire and you need help deciding what plan is going to give you more bang for your buck. We can help with that too. All you have to do is call!

We know insurance can be a tough thing to navigate so for all the teachers, we’re going to make this easy. If you prefer to choose your own dentist or you want to continue to see your current provider, you will want to pick the Uniform Dental Plan. The other two plans being offered are both “Managed Care Plans” this means they decide who your dentist will be, weather you like them or not. One managed care plan is provided through Delta Care (not to be confused with Delta Dental) and the other is called Willamette Dental. Therefore, you’ll want to be sure you pay close attention to the plan you pick. If you are a Selah School District employee, you will notice that the benefits on the new plans being offered may not be as good as what you once had. That’s because what you had previously was what Kristina likes to call a “Unicorn Plan” meaning there just aren’t too many of them out there and the coverage is insanely good. The new plan through Uniform Dental is great coverage though, and it’s more typical of what we would expect from standard dental insurance plans. Think, Unicorn Vs. Race Horse.

In any regard we want to make sure you pick the plan that best suits your needs. So, if you have questions please feel free to call us anytime during business hours and one of our insurance “experts” will be happy to help you out. Don’t let dental insurance get you down you have enough to worry about let us work for you!




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At Selah Family Dentistry we offer a wide range of restorative dentistry procedures, including dental implant, crowns and bridges, dentures, inlays and onlays and many more. Learn more about our restorative services.



A dental bridge is an option to replace one or more missing teeth. The bridge is secured to the teeth on either side of the missing tooth and is cemented into place, i.e. not removable like a partial denture. The bridge is very strong and can be chewed on like natural teeth. Dental bridges often last many years (often much longer than a decade) and require little additional maintenance than natural teeth. In most cases you can receive your bridge in a single visit!

Crowns with CEREC

Crowns are used to restore missing tooth structure and provide greater support for teeth at risk of fracturing. Teeth that are cracked, decayed, or weakened by large fillings are carefully prepared to preserve their function. Selah Family Dentistry takes special care to make sure any dental treatment you receive looks and feels natural. We use the latest in Digital Technology to fabricate your crown in only a few hours with CEREC. Gone are the days of having goopy, horrible tasting impressions and worrying about a temporary coming off. Selah Family Dentistry can create a crown that fits your teeth and mouth precisely, and maintain your comfort throughout the process. We use many specific protocols to decrease the risk of sensitivity both during and after the appointment.


Selah Family Dentistry uses “tooth colored” composite fillings to restore teeth with cavities, chipping or notching, and to replace old amalgam “silver” fillings. We not only use composite fillings to correct cavities in newly damaged teeth, we can also replace your old amalgam fillings for a younger looking, healthier smile.

The longevity of your restoration is approximately 10 to 15 years and in many case much longer. Of course a healthy diet, regular checkups, brushing and flossing are a must. At times a small problem can develop around the fillings that, when detected at an early stage, can be easily repaired. Waiting for a longer time to repair may require a new filling or an indirect filling (onlay or crown). It is a safe, affordable and attractive solution for many dental problems.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are often referred to as partial crowns. They use the existing tooth as a base and then the inlay or onlay replaces the damaged or missing parts tooth. This is done to strengthen the tooth, restore its shape and prevent further damage. An inlay is done when there is no damage to the cusps of the tooth and the inlay can be placed right into the center tooth. An onlay is used when the damage is a little more extensive and involves one or more tooth cusps. Your tooth will look natural as our inlays and onlays are non-metal, tooth-colored ceramic.

Make Over / Reconstruction

Is your smile tired, excessively worn, or you are constantly chipping, fracturing and breaking teeth? We offer complete solutions from big to small to keep your smile shining bright. Harnessing the power of CEREC, we are able to change your smile for the better in as little as one appointment. Schedule a consult today.

Root Canals

Root canal therapy is a procedure performed to relieve pain and sensitivity associated with infection of the nerves and blood vessels found in the center of the tooth. Infected nerve tissue is removed, the canal is cleaned and disinfected, and then sealed with a dental material. Teeth that have undergone root canal therapy often require a crown which will protect the remaining tooth structure and prevent any fractures. If left untreated, infection can lead to a painful abscess and loss of supporting bone around the tooth. Root canal therapy can relieve you of pain caused by infection and allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without any pain or sensitivity from heat or cold. At Selah Family Dentistry we make sure that start to finish your root canal will be a pain-free experience.



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Modern dental care is designed to keep people healthy. We seek to educate and empower patients so they can avoid problems and costly solutions. By working together with our patients, we help make it possible to learn the little things that people can do to get healthy and stay healthy.


Cancer Screening

Selah Family Dentistry is not only dedicated to your smile, we’re also dedicated to your overall wellness. All regular exams include an oral cancer screening. Like many kinds of cancer, oral cancer can be life-threatening if not diagnosed and treated early.

We look for early signs and symptoms of oral cancer and precancerous conditions. While these symptoms may be caused by other, less serious problems, it is very important to visit our office to rule out the possibility of oral cancer. The most common symptoms of oral cancer include:

  • Red, white spots or sores anywhere in the oral cavity

  • A sore that bleeds easily or does not heal

  • A lump, thickening, or rough spot in the mouth or on the tongue

  • Pain, tenderness, or numbness anywhere in the mouth or on the lips

  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, speaking, or moving the jaw or tongue

Intraoral Camera

The intraoral camera is an amazing diagnostic tool for viewing different angles in the mouth at high magnification. The camera gives us the ability to view the entire mouth on a monitor so that we can get a closer look at any potential issues or problems that may arise. In addition, the patient will have the ability to see for themselves first hand the same images we are seeing. These digital images are also excellent for gaining procedure acceptance from insurance companies.

Oral Hygiene

To ensure that you maintain great oral health, this level of quality needs to extend into your personal oral hygiene routine. We can help you establish a customized dental hygiene routine that will keep your teeth healthy and white. If you have any questions about your current hygiene plan, please ask us during your next appointment.

Periodontal Care

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums and bone surrounding your teeth. Gum disease is one of the top reasons for tooth loss in adults, and because it is virtually pain-free, many patients do not know they have the disease until bone-loss has already occurred. During each regular checkup, your dentist will check for signs of periodontal disease by measuring the space between your teeth and gums.

Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque (a sticky form of bacteria that forms on the teeth). If the plaque is not removed it will continue to build-up and create toxins that can damage the gums. Remember to brush regularly, clean between your teeth, eat a balanced diet and schedule regular dental visits to help keep your smile healthy. During your next appointment ask us about the factors, symptoms and treatment for periodontal disease.


Your children brush twice a day so why do they still get small cavities? We know that getting to the crevices in the back molars and premolars is nearly impossible for little, untrained hands and sometimes even for adults!. Selah Family Dentistry can include sealants in your child’s dental plan. Sealants are a noninvasive, preventive tooth-decay treatment that protects teeth and keeps them healthy while they mature and strengthen. The procedure for applying sealants is simple, painless, fast, and takes only one visit.



Pediatric tools icon


At Selah Family Dentistry we are committed to making sure all our pediatric patients feel comfortable and we work hard to foster a positive attitude towards dental care that will last a lifetime.

We know you’re doing great as a parent and we want to help you in those efforts. At Selah Family Dentistry we encourage parents to start good oral hygiene, between 0 to 3 months, by gently wiping your child’s gums with a soft, clean and moist cloth.

In most children the first tooth erupts between four and six months which means it’s time to schedule their first dental appointment, as well as daily brushing. We will review your child’s exposure to fluoride and customize a plan to ensure your child isn’t at increased risk for cavities. By age two, the child should be well on his or her way to a full set of teeth and self brushing can start, but we always encourage parents to follow up with re-brushing



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Selah Family Dentistry offers a wide variety of dental services. Learn more about our dental services we provide our patients.


Selah Family Dentistry is proud to use CEREC, an advanced, all-digital, dental technology, that is utilized for the restoration of decayed, cracked, or chipped teeth. CEREC creates full crowns, inlays, onlays and veneers. The CEREC machine crafts a beautiful and strong restoration in a matter of minutes. The most beneficial feature of receiving a CEREC restoration is that it is accomplished in one-visit. In addition to the benefit of a one visit restoration, there is no uncomfortable impression material to bite on or temporary to wear.


Tooth extractions are done in a safe and comfortable environment at Selah Family Dentistry. While no-one wants to have a tooth removed, we try to make the process as quick and painless as possible. We offer oral conscious sedation and specialized monitoring equipment to ease your anxiety and make dental extractions pain-free and safe.


Many people are afflicted with bruxism, or teeth grinding. Some people may do this consciously during the day, but it is a larger problem at night while you are asleep. Grinding your teeth can damage enamel, wear down teeth, flatten your smile, cause jaw pain and/or irritate your gums. If you grind your teeth, a night guard should be considered. The night guard, which is similar to, but much smaller than, a mouth guard worn by athletes, provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth while you sleep. All night guards are custom fitted for comfort and to allow for proper breathing.

Sleep Apnea

Do you or a loved one suffer from intense snoring, morning headaches, fatigue, or gasping during sleep? You or your loved one could be experiencing a dangerous medical condition known as sleep apnea. Many Americans are affected by the most common form of sleep apnea known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea or OSA. This condition causes a person to actually stop breathing while they are sleeping and has been known to cause serious health conditions and be potentially life threatening.

Oral appliances are the most commonly accepted method for treating sleep apnea and are a great alternative to a CPAP mask or surgical treatment. The appliance fits in the mouth like a mouth guard or orthodontic retainer and prevents airway obstruction by repositioning the lower jaw and soft tissue. This can reduce or eliminate snoring and allows the patient to sleep through the night with no airway blockage. At Selah Family Dentistry we typically customize a device which will help you get a better night’s sleep.


TMJ / TMD can be caused by stress, trauma, clenching, or teeth grinding. Some of the symptoms of TMD are:

  • Pain when opening or closing mouth

  • Trouble chewing

  • Jaw becoming stuck open or shut

  • Headaches or ear pain

  • Clicking or popping sounds when opening your mouth

  • Teeth-grinding

If you suspect you may have TMJ / TMD come in for a consultation. We can help with a diagnosis and provide relief for your symptoms. Pain relievers and hot/cold compresses are short term methods to provide relief for pain symptoms, but sometimes a night guard can be used to help prevent or lessen the effects of teeth-grinding and clenching at night.



Implants icon


A missing tooth is more than a cosmetic annoyance. The gaps created by missing teeth can compromise a patient’s ability to eat and speak correctly, and can allow adjacent teeth to shift their positioning. If you are missing a tooth or teeth, it is important to fill the gap to prevent further damage to your mouth.

Whether it is to replace a single tooth, or to create a full mouth of secure permanent new teeth, implants are a proven, long-lasting alternative to bridges and dentures. In fact, a dental implant with correct hygiene could very well last a lifetime because it is impervious to cavities! Acting as substitute roots, dental implants bond with the bone to form a stable foundation for permanent replacement teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Our results are consistent, predictable, exceptional and look natural. Dr. Labrum has extensive training in the digital restoration of implants and is a member of the American Society of Implant and Reconstructive Dentistry.

Before and after teeth implants