Have you ever been in a checkout line, ready to pay, when you learn that your order was paid for by the person in front of you? It’s the BEST feeling and often leads you to want to pass on the kindness by performing another act of kindness. That often creates a chain reaction of goodness. We partnered with Sundance Espresso and Selah Family Dentistry treated their first 50 customers to a cup of coffee!

We are proud members of the community, It is our pleasure to be able to give back and brighten someones day by paying it forward. We would also like to extend a huge THANK YOU, to Tim and Danielle at Sundance Espresso for helping us make this event possible. Don’t forget to like our Facebook page to stay tuned on all our community events, including our next Be The Reason Someone Smiles day!

Fall caffeine frenzy at Sundance Espresso